As I watch out the windows and see birds busily building
nests in the bird houses, the evidence of spring coming lifts my heart. It’s
just a short matter of time when gardeners will be outside prepping the ground,
cleaning the weeds and planting the spring gardens. Today, the last of my
garden seeds arrived and I am so excited! March was a great month to “hole up,”
make quilts, paint, and prepare product for the market. Every once in a while,
a mild day peeks through giving a rush of things to come. Once the weather
breaks, we are outside working to keep up with the weather. The house is pretty
much on its own for several months. We run the planting in 2 sessions….the
early spring and the later warmer weather. Many seeds have been started to give
a jump start to the tomatoes, peppers, melons and many flowers. We are so
blessed to live where we do and have seasons. The time for rest is ever bit as
important as the time to be outside.
To begin, the red and gold potatoes will go in. The radishes,
beets, spinach, carrots, onions, bunching onions, shallots and lettuces will be
planted. Next month, we will share what is next. It’s an exciting process and a
very busy one. Until then…..enjoy the soft air and the smell of earth.