End of Season 2012
by Jerome Farmers Market, December 13, 2012
We are so pleased with how the Market turned out this year. For our first year we feel it has great potential to grow into one of Idaho's largest Farmer's Markets.
We'd like to give special thanks to our sponsors, without their support none of this could be possible:
We'd like to give special thanks to our sponsors, without their support none of this could be possible:
If you would like to be a part of the Market next Summer please email your application (found on the left side of this page) to Kathy Bartholomew at farmersmarketcr@gmail.com.
New Fall Hours...
by Jerome Farmers Market, August 28, 2012
We are excited for Fall!
p.s. check out our previous post about the parade we were in...
It's a parade!
by Jerome Farmers Market, August 28, 2012
It's a parade!!! The Farmers Market at Crossroads Point Business Center was in the Jerome County Fair and Rodeo Parade. We want to thank all who came out to support us, as well as a special thanks to Lorna Irwin for making the FABULOUS giant prize winning pumpkin! (we will have a separate post on this pumpkin and it's creation process).
Sweet Braden helping with the parade.
Kent drove the float with his grandson, what a fun day!
Market is tomorrow...
by Jerome Farmers Market, July 27, 2012
Market is tomorrow!
at Crossroads Point Business Center
We will have the following at the market:
-Oregon Berries
-artisan breads
-colorful carrots
-fresh late Summer flowers bushel baskets
See you there!
market tomorrow, new produce!
by Jerome Farmers Market, July 13, 2012
Market tomorrow
Crossroads Point Business Center
Tomorrow you can expect to find the following produce:
-marion berries, blue berries, black berries
-summer squash
-fresh herbs
-last of the summer cherries!!!
and so much more....
Hope to see you there!
berries, berries and more berries!
by Jerome Farmers Market, July 11, 2012
Gerberry Farms is selling 3 varieties of berries fresh from Oregon this week:
marionberries: The Marionberry is a blackberry with medium to large fruit, they are longer than wide. There are only a handful of areas in the world where marionberries thrive and Oregon's Willamette Valley, known as the Caneberry (marionberry) Capitol of the World, offers the most favorable of all climates. (read more...)
blackberries: Blackberries were perceived by the ancient cultures as being a wild plant, and historical accounts for a backyard culture of blackberry bushes are few. The Greeks used the blackberry as a remedy for Gout, and the Romans made a tea from the leaves of the blackberry plant to treat various illnesses. (read more...)
blueberries: For centuries, blueberries were gathered from the forests and the bogs by Native Americans and consumed fresh and also preserved. The Northeast Native American tribes revered blueberries and much folklore developed around them. The blossom end of each berry, the calyx, forms the shape of a perfect five-pointed star; the elders of the tribe would tell of how the Great Spirit sent "star berries" to relieve the children's hunger during a famine. Parts of the blueberry plant were also used as medicine. A tea made from the leaves of the plant was thought to be good for the blood. Blueberry juice was used to treat coughs. (read more....)
Market and Honor the Hero event tomorrow!
by Jerome Farmers Market, June 29, 2012
Market Tomorrow
"In the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in it's hour of maximum danger.
I do not shrink from the responsibility.
I welcome it."
above quote located in Arlington Cemetery, Washington DC
Please join us tomorrow to Honor the Hero. All veterans and veteran's families are welcome to join us to pay tribute to those men and woman who have valiantly served and sacrificed for our freedoms in lieu of this next weeks celebration of Independence Day.
Event will take place tomorrow at 10am at the Crossroads Point Business Center .
"Honor the Hero" and thank our veterans!
by Jerome Farmers Market, June 28, 2012
Honor the Hero
at the Farmers Market at Crossroads Point Business Center
Saturday, June 30th
"Come honor those who have sacrificed for our freedoms"
Join us this Saturday at the Crossroads Point Business Center and show your support to all those who have served and sacrificed their lives to protect our freedoms.
Special guests: State Representative Maxine Bell and Jerome County Commissioners
As a special thank you to all those who have served to protect our freedoms, all veterans will receive a gift.
top picture courtesy of: sodahead, taken at Arlington Cemetery, Washington DC
bottom picture courtesy of: Crossroads Point Business Center, Healing Field, Jerome ID
Market is tomorrow!
by Jerome Farmers Market, June 15, 2012
Now that the wind has passed and the risk of loosing half our tents and umbrellas is not so high we are back to business! The Market will be tomorrow:
Saturday, 8am-1pm
At the Market this Saturday (tomorrow) we have:
-large free range eggs
-gorgeous and delicious radishes
-dried beans
....and much much more!
Along with our regular vendors we have added a few more. We will do write ups on our new vendors next week but here are some of the things they will be selling tomorrow:
-beautiful metal art!
-blueberries (coming soon)
-cherries (coming soon)
-check our vendor list on the right side of this web page
(under "quick search")
to see who our vendors are and what they are selling!
-blueberries (coming soon)
-cherries (coming soon)
-check our vendor list on the right side of this web page
(under "quick search")
to see who our vendors are and what they are selling!
The Farmers Market has something fun for everyone!
by Jerome Farmers Market, June 06, 2012
The Farmers Market at Crossroads Point Business Center is a day of fun for...
...all kids: face painting, crafts and even wagon rides!
...all girls/ladies: jewelry, hats, essential body oils, pottery, cards, soaps and much much more!
...all guys: hand crafted archery gear, hot plates and outdoor items made from soldered horse shoes, delicious meats, very manly soaps ;), a booth to show your patriotism and much much more!
...all growers: veggies & fruits of all kinds (that are in season), gorgeous flowers, fresh eggs etc.
...the heroes: a special booth for those heroes (men and women) serving in the military to protect our freedoms. You can donate $.25 or $20. Every penny is appreciated and all proceeds will be donated to these hero's families and/or their foundations.
So if you have 20 minutes or 3 hours this Saturday, come see us at the Farmers Market at Crossroads Point Business Center
Farmers Market opening day!
by Jerome Farmers Market, June 05, 2012
The Farmers Market at Crossroads Point Business Center opened last Saturday June 2nd. We were beyond thrilled by our vendors and the quality of their products, as well as the support that was shown by the local community. Thank you!
Many many many more pictures are on their way...
Welcome 'Honor the Hero' booth....
by Jerome Farmers Market, May 31, 2012
Honoring the Heroes
Honor the Hero is a booth designed to honor the sacrifice of men and women who have given so much for our freedoms.
For $1.00 ea, a star will be added to a board...gold for the ultimate sacrifice, purple for wounded in action, blue for those with loved ones currently serving, red and white. You can put your loved ones name on the star, or simply purchase one to help the families and the foundation.
Specifically honoring Mark Forester, Dan Brown, both kia in Afghanistan, and Bowe Bergdahl, MIA since 2009.Honor all veterans you love and Live a life that honors their sacrifice.
Small American flags will be sold as well at this time. Show your support.
New Sponsors of the Market... 2012
by Jerome Farmers Market, April 23, 2012
We have 2 new sponsors of the Market at Crossroads Point Business Center!
We are excited to welcome the following sponsors, for more information about these companies please click on the links below:
Scott Jackson Trucking
We are excited to welcome the following sponsors, for more information about these companies please click on the links below:
Scott Jackson Trucking
If you would like to be a sponsor please contact us at farmersmarketcr@gmail.com
To view our other Sponsors of the Market please go to our Sponsor page HERE!

To view our other Sponsors of the Market please go to our Sponsor page HERE!

April planting, 'cool weather garden'
by Jerome Farmers Market, April 15, 2012
If you're like me, the minute the sun shines for more than 2 days straight you get anxious to plant things. Whether it's flowers or vegetables, the idea of being outside and getting your hands dirty just sounds appealing. In fact, just the other day I went to a nursery and picked out a beautiful array of flowering plants, as I got to the register the lady looked at my array and kindly informed me, "those can't be planted yet, it's still too cold". :( (I put them back)
Even though these plants can be planted early in April it is important to cover any growth that has come up out of the ground when there is a frost expected.
There are other veggies that can be planted in April such as:

Times-News of Magic Valley article
by Jerome Farmers Market, April 04, 2012
Please take a look at the article and we hope to see you there!
article: New Farmers Market Near Jerome Has Big Plans For First Season
We're Idaho Preferred!
by Jerome Farmers Market, March 19, 2012
"Idaho Preferred® is a program to identify and promote food and agricultural products grown, raised, or processed in the Gem State. Administered by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, the program showcases the quality, diversity, and availability of Idaho food and agricultural products and is seeking to capitalize on consumers’ growing demand for local products...."
To support Idaho agriculture and commerce go to Idaho Preferred's facebook page and click 'like'.
March flower and tree planting tips: for zones 5-7
by Jerome Farmers Market, March 17, 2012
The sun is shining and the snow is starting to melt, Winter is still here but Spring is pushing through and it feels so good. Has anyone else caught the planting/gardening bug? Well, thanks to Moss Greenhouses Inc. and Weekend Gardener I have a couple of tips that I'd like to share:
Trees, finding your roots:
If you are looking at buying and planting a tree this month here's a good tip...
-look for trees with large roots. It is best to have the root system larger than the top tree growth itself.
- Dig a hole 2 to 5 times wider than the root ball. Remove any grass or weeds within a 6' diameter circle around the tree. Build a ring 6-8" in height around the tree to create a watering saucer. Cover with 3-4" mulch, either store bought or made with bark, wood chips, compost, pine needles, etc. etc.
Flowers, Perennials - divide and conquer:
Now is the perfect time to divide those perennials that bloom in the late Summer through Fall, such as...
-agapanthus, garden phlox astilbe, aster, bleeding heart, coral bells, daylilies, and shasta daisies.
Flowers, Annuals
No garden would be complete without annuals and it's a great time to plant your bursts of color along borders, in planters and in your rock gardens with beautiful annuals such as...
-forget-me-nots, dianthus, English daisy, sweet William, and violas.

-look for trees with large roots. It is best to have the root system larger than the top tree growth itself.
- Dig a hole 2 to 5 times wider than the root ball. Remove any grass or weeds within a 6' diameter circle around the tree. Build a ring 6-8" in height around the tree to create a watering saucer. Cover with 3-4" mulch, either store bought or made with bark, wood chips, compost, pine needles, etc. etc.
Flowers, Perennials - divide and conquer:

-agapanthus, garden phlox astilbe, aster, bleeding heart, coral bells, daylilies, and shasta daisies.
Flowers, Annuals
No garden would be complete without annuals and it's a great time to plant your bursts of color along borders, in planters and in your rock gardens with beautiful annuals such as...
-forget-me-nots, dianthus, English daisy, sweet William, and violas.
Sponsor of the Market! 2012
by Jerome Farmers Market, February 08, 2012
If you would like to be a sponsor of the market please email Kathy Bartholomew at kkbartholomew@aol.com.

Market inspired recipe: Glazed Carrot Cake
by Jerome Farmers Market, January 18, 2012

(this take's a while to make, but is well worth it in the end)
Glazed Carrot Cake
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 8-ounce can crushed pineapple, drained
2 cups grated carrots (approximately 5 large carrots)
3 1/2 ounces flaked coconut
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans
Start off by preheating the oven to 350 degrees. Then grease and flour a 9 x 13 inch pan. Set aside.
Combine the first 4 ingredients, the flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Sift these the ingredients together in a bowl and set aside. Then in a stand mixer (or with a hand mixer) beat the eggs, add in the vegetable oil, buttermilk, sugar, vanilla. Mix well. Then add the flour mixture to the wet mixture. Mix on Medium unit barely blended. Lastly add the pineapple, carrots, coconut and nuts. Mix on low for 1-2 minutes. Before I pour out the batter into the prepared pan I use a spatula to scrape the bottom of the bowl to make sure all the ingredients are blended fully. Pour the mixed batter into the prepared pan. Place in the oven for 50-55 minutes, checking it often to make sure that it does not over cook. I use a toothpick or butter knife and insert it until it comes out clean, that is how I know it is baked to perfection.
About 10-15 minutes before the cake is done baking, start working on the glaze for the cake.
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a small sauce pan combine the sugar, buttermilk, butter and corn syrup. Cooking over low heat, stirring constantly bring to a boil. Then remove from the heat and add in the vanilla.
Once cake is done and remove from oven, pour the warm glaze over the hot cake. Let the glaze absorb and the cake cool completely.
Then to top it off, I decided to add a cream cheese frosting to make this cake even more delicious than it already was. I used my favorite cream cheese recipe which is below.
Cream Cheese Frosting
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
16 ounces confectioners sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a stand mixer combine cream cheese, butter, sugar. Mix at high speed for 5-6 minutes. The longer you mix frosting, the smoother the texture will be. Then lastly, add in the vanilla. Mix until completely blended.
Chill the frosting for about one hour and then spread onto a completely cooled carrot cake. And voila, you are done and ready to serve. So if you are a lover of carrot cake you have to try this recipe, it will be one of your new favorites...and that is a Rozlynn guarantee.
picture and recipe courtesy of: Rozlynn's Homemade Goodness
Escarole and White Bean Soup Recipe
by Jerome Farmers Market, January 12, 2012
The story behind this soup is, when I was sick years ago during the drab month of January my brother (who at the time was single and attending school at the U of U) came by our apartment after hearing I was sick and made me this soup. What a guy! The soup was amazing and we make this soup every year around this time.
Escarole and Bean Soup
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 1 pound escarole, chopped
- Salt
- 4 cups low-salt chicken broth
- 1 (15-ounce) can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 (1-ounce) piece Parmesan
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 6 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
- Serving suggestion: crusty bread
Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy large pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Add the escarole and saute until wilted, about 2 minutes. Add a pinch of salt. Add the chicken broth, beans, and Parmesan cheese. Cover and simmer until the beans are heated through, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Ladle the soup into 6 bowls. Drizzle 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oilover each. Serve with crusty bread.
*DO NOT FORGET THE PARMESAN CHEESE!* That is the best part! ;)
Market Inspired recipe: Butternut Squash Puree
by Jerome Farmers Market, January 04, 2012
One of my favorite things to eat when it is chilly outside is a warm cup of soup. While living in downtown Salt Lake City my husband and I often frequented a wonderful soup place called Big City Soups, it was there that I had Butternut Squash Puree for the first time. It was love at first taste. I had to find a good recipe and after much searching found the one below via the Food Network. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Butternut Squash Puree
- 2 butternut squash (about 1 pound each)
- 4 tablespoons softened butter, divided
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 1 orange, zested
- 3 tablespoons orange blossom honey
- Pinch ground cinnamon
Halve the squash lengthwise and remove the seeds and strings. Rub the insides with 2 tablespoons softened butter; season with salt and pepper.
Place on a roasting pan, skin side down. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until fork tender. Remove the squash from the oven, scoop out the flesh and place in a food processor.
Add the orange zest, honey and remaining 2 tablespoons of butter. Puree until smooth. Add a pinch of salt and cinnamon, pulse a few times to incorporate.
recipe courtesy of: Food Network
picture courtesy of: My Baking Addiction