berries, berries and more berries!

by Jerome Farmers Market, July 11, 2012
Gerberry Farms is selling 3 varieties of berries fresh from Oregon this week:

marionberries: The Marionberry is a blackberry with medium to large fruit, they are longer than wide.  There are only a handful of areas in the world where marionberries thrive and Oregon's Willamette Valley, known as the Caneberry (marionberry) Capitol of the World, offers the most favorable of all climates.  (read more...)

blackberries: Blackberries were perceived by the ancient cultures as being a wild plant, and historical accounts for a backyard culture of blackberry bushes are few. The Greeks used the blackberry as a remedy for Gout, and the Romans made a tea from the leaves of the blackberry plant to treat various illnesses. (read more...)

blueberries: For centuries, blueberries were gathered from the forests and the bogs by Native Americans and consumed fresh and also preserved. The Northeast Native American tribes revered blueberries and much folklore developed around them. The blossom end of each berry, the calyx, forms the shape of a perfect five-pointed star; the elders of the tribe would tell of how the Great Spirit sent "star berries" to relieve the children's hunger during a famine. Parts of the blueberry plant were also used as medicine. A tea made from the leaves of the plant was thought to be good for the blood. Blueberry juice was used to treat coughs. (read more....)

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