The fields are resting and preparing for another season!

by Jerome Farmers Market, January 26, 2016

Winter Sunrise Over the Cornfield

art by: Takeyce Walter

We have put the fields to rest and reflected on this past season.
We had a wonderful market last year!  We'd like to thank all of our wonderful customers, vendors and sponsors.  The Market is definitely our happy place, and we are so grateful to all of you who have made that possible. 

We'd like to especially thank Hilex Poly, Jerome Shoe and Tack, Arlenes Flowers, Sportsmans Warehouse, D & B Supply, Valley Country Store, our neighbors at the Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce AND last but not least our fabulous and incredibly kind and generous sponsors. So many people come together to make this market the success it is. We are so grateful for you all. 

We would be remiss if we didn't thank Libby, Michelle and Bradon Ricketts, Emma Swenson, and Kellee Traughber for their continued and consistent help at the market booths.  Ana, Phil, Phillip, Jackson, Clara and little baby (due soon) Gerstner.  It’s difficult to have a young family and spend your Saturday mornings standing outside for 4 hours, but we are so glad they do. We'd also like to thank David, Hilary and Theo Bartholomew, who were extra hands that consistently helped. John and Nina Hollifield, of the Mountain View Barn are wonderful people to work with. Their kindness knows no bounds. The set-up and take-down of the market every Saturday takes many hands and we couldn't have done it without all of their help.
Counting our many blessings is an absolute wonderful way to start the year.

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

"Happy people are not thankful, thankful people are happy." 

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