Post for September 10
As I’ve worked in the gardens, I have noticed the rather
large grasshoppers moving about. It has
brought to mind the fable of the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper gaily
jumped about, snacking as he went and having a fun time while the ant busily
gathered food and had no time for such nonsense. Come the cold winds and snows
of winter, the ant was snug and warm in his home while the grasshopper was
miserable and freezing outside. With these changing weather patterns, it has
made me think.
Soon, the gardens will be put to bed and we will once again be
dependant on the fruits of our labors. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you
have potatoes, onions, tomatoes and fruits safely put away? We at the Jerome
Farmers Market are working hard to give you just that. We have been presenting foods each week that you can
store, freeze and can. Ultimately however, our crops will go dormant and stop
with the seasons.
This Saturday from 9am-1pm, stop by the Jerome Farmers Market at
the Mountain View Barn and make it a point to pick up bread from Julia-that
will freeze beautifully, get potatoes and onions that are designed to last for
months, jams, honey, apples and many other items will be available to stock
your pantry. We are located 3 miles south of Jerome on HWY 93 or 392 East 300
South. Join the other ants busily engaged in their good works.
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