As I watch my flag blowing outside…(east wind again) coyotes howling north of us, the earth quiet under a blanket of snow, I realize that this is a resting time for us. For those who work out in the elements…not so much. Hearth and home take on a definite pleasurable meaning. This is the time of research, study, craft development, seed ordering and planning for the days when the weather breaks and outdoor work once again begins.
The other day, we walked past some stacks of potting mix and the scents definitely stir up longing. I am glad however, that we live in an area with 4 distinct seasons. The change is good for the soul. This is a time to try new recipes, explore new ventures, and enjoy the upheavals in the weather patterns. It’s nice not to worry about frost destroying crops. Enjoy this moment. It too will change. In the process, protect your health. Eat well, exercise, rest, and pay attention to your body rhythms. Soon, we’ll be outside preparing soil, planting, weeding, watering, mowing and barbequing. Be grateful where we live.
In Alaska, our
daughter and her family endured 70 mph winds for 3 days, subzero temperatures,
power outage for 36 hours and empty grocery stores and covid. This all happened
at the same time. They are doing well and look forward to coming down to the
lower 48 soon. Winter can be spectacularly beautiful and dangerous at the same
time. Live is always an adventure…embrace it and be thankful. We are thankful
for you all and truly look forward to seeing you again. Make good use of your time.
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