by Ana Harrop, August 03, 2022

 Welcome to the Sunflower Festival!! Not only will it be a day to celebrate August and the sunflowers, but Gordon will be bringing blueberries from Oregon!! Pass this along as this will be the ONLY DAY he'll be able to get them. Tell all your friends. We will bring new vegetables as well, so be prepared to experiment. Come early to beat the heat. 

We have a bit of housekeeping to take care of. We are a family/pet friendly market and ask that pet owners to be responsible for the actions of their dogs. If they make a mess, clean it up, if they damage other vendor's product, it is the responsibility of the owner to reimburse the vendor at the full market price. The vendors work hard to bring you the best that they can. We appreciate the respect and kindness 99% of the patrons exhibit. 

We are open from 9-1 on Saturday and are located at the Mountain View Barn 3 miles South of Jerome on Highway 93. We will have blueberry lemonade just for you!

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