This Saturday is going to be a fun day at the Jerome Farmers Market. We are having the lavender/herb festival. You will be able to sample many food items made with culinary lavender, smell different kinds to take home fresh lavender bundles.
Moss Greenhouses will bring lavender plants and various herbs along with gorgeous flowers. The Jerome Civic Club will be there with fresh cherry pies in their lineup and jams and other delicacies. We will have a few more cherries and the gardens are beginning to wake to up. Yukon gold potatoes, red potatoes, zucchini, and much more will be available. You can find doggie treats, fishing lures, dried herbs, syrups, bread, honey, and bags.
We are open from 9-1 and are located 3 miles south of Jerome on Highway 93 at the Mountain View Barn. Come by early to beat the heat.
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